Saturday, March 31, 2012

Victoria's Appointment

Just a quick update...Victoria had an appointment at Gillette on Friday.  She had been showing some signs of her shunt flowing a little slower than normal.  They did a scan, and assessed where she was at, and decided that it probably had been partially clogged and then had cleared.   They checked the setting of the shunt;  it was where it belongs at the moment and they didn't feel that it needed any adjustment at the present time.  This was the time that she was due for an appointment, so we were thankful to get her appointment taken care of at the same time as they assessed her shunt flow.  We managed to get 720 miles,   a little shopping and Victoria's appointments all in on Friday, and still got home before midnight.  Rachel and Matthew were my able helpers and companions for the day...we were all very glad to get home Friday night!  We thank God for little Victoria and for His continual goodness.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March in Minnesota.

          Finally,Snow!! Here Rachel, Matthew, Caleb, JoAnna, Marie, and Esther
                                        are enjoying building snow tunnels.
                                          The finished snow tunnels.
 We all enjoyed going to Bemis Hill with the Conroys and with Silas. What a
                                                  beautiful view!
                           Even though there were many bumps on the hill,
                                 we found a good path to sled on, and did
                                                not get too sore.
 Melitia loved going down the hill with my mom. They became good sledding buddies.
 Mmmmm. Hotdogs roasted over a fire taste so good. We also had smores.
 Victoria had a very good time. Here she is having a chat with her daddy.
                       We have made some very good memories at this building.
No Snow!! Now the children are having fun splashing in the puddles.
 With the weather in the forty's and fifty's almost all of our snow is gone.
Isaiah 12:3-4 Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the well of salvation. And in that day shall ye say, praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.Isaiah 12:3-4