Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Happenings in the Mitton lives

On Easter Day we headed to our Grandparents house. They are always so good when it comes to hospitality.  We are very glad that Victoria came home after only three days in the hospital. Victoria's incision is healing well and her shunt is flowing smoothly. Now if only her teeth would come easier:)

My wonderful parents!! Christ the Lord is risen today.

Melita was my good and special helper:)

My Aunt and Uncle  hosted The Home-school Tournament again. Our whole family had a great time...Even the little ones. Thanks so much K. Family for all the hard work that you put into the Home-school Tournament!!
Participating in the Table Tennis.

Everyone loved the Remote control car..especially the young ones:)

Esther got 1st place in coloring. She was thrilled.. though a little shy about going in front of everybody to receive the ribbon.

My Dad and brothers are officially signed up with Alert Cadets. The Boys were very happy to get this neat uniform.

Looking Sharp
My Parents were able to attend My brother Ben's basic training graduation. Notice the beautiful green. I can't wait till it get's green here in Northern Minnesota.

More pictures to come of the graduation. But for right now I will leave you this wonderful picture on my wonderful brother. He is with one of his buddies who came to the Lord during training! We have a great and Awesome God. I am so glad that whatever we go through we have Christ's strength. May The Lord fill you with his Mighty strength for each and every day!


  1. It was so fun to see some of you! Elizabeth is doing a great job with the blog too!

  2. I love the picture of the little girls! it's a nice post, Elizabeth, and Ben looks so handsome!
