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Cedric Paul Mitton!!!! |
Born: October 20th 2014
Weight: 7lbs exactly!
Length: 19 inches
We are so grateful for the Lord's provision and blessing.
Thankfully, mommy Emily is doing well. We were able to pop down for a short visit on Monday evening. To hold a little newborn is truly a miracle!! And yes, we are all just a wee little bit excited. We will try not to spoil him too bad:)
For more pictures go to: http://emilymitton.com/
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise him, all creatures here below;Praise him above, ye heav'nly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Congratulations! We are so excited for you all! What a blessing little ones are! I'm sure his parents and all his Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents are so thrilled to finally be able to hold Cedric!! :-) Enjoy your time with this sweet little blessing!!
Sarah (for all the Forsters)
We are excited :) Thanks for the congratulations!!