Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"The LORD is righteous in ALL His ways, and holy (holy, or merciful or bountiful) in all His works." Psalm 145:17

Ready for a walk with daddy.

All dressed up for a winter Sunday.

Victoria is 11 months!!!  God has been so very gracious!  We are so grateful for her overall good health and for the blessing she is.

What a great place to be!  I sure love my daddy!

Princess Victoria with Princess Esther's crown.     

 Now for the  the youngest three of Victoria's older sisters:
Marie, Joanna and Esther...glad to be sisters!

JoAnna cuddling little Victoria.

Esther enjoying feeding her new dolly.


  1. So many cute pictures!! I love the "princess Victoria" one. :)

  2. We had a great time visiting the other night. Thanks for having us. Isn't it amazing that our little ones are almost a year old already. God has been good. Victoria's pictures are so sweet, and Esther looks thrilled with her doll.
