As many of you can see, I have added some ads to our blogs. I thought I would try this for a while. The thought behind it is that I allow ads on my blog, and if anyone clicks on them from my blog, we earn a little bit of money for the advertising. I don't control which ads come on, not too thrilled about that, but I was able to go through and try and filter out some that I thought I wouldn't like to have on here. Please don't think that I support all the ads that show up here, and don't worry, if I find that they keep putting ones that are offensive, I will quit.
So, if you find something on here that you might be interested in, please click on it. (No, not quitting my day job.)
Speaking of advertising....I wonder, as you look back over the year if we have done a good job representing Jesus? We are after all His ambassadors, and it is as if God were pleading with others, through our words and actions, that they need to be reconciled to God. Thankfully, God can take our broken lives and make them into something beautiful....I just love His wonderful grace . So, in the coming year, don't cry over spilt how we did last year, but let us leap into the new year with a desire to glorify God and His holy name , to love people, and to be sowing the seed of the gospel....for this may be the last year that God gives us to do just that.
I thank God for each of you that visit our blog and that have prayed for us, loved us, encouraged us in this last year. It certainly has been a year of change and challenge and comfort from God and others. Blessings on your new year....Bruce
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Musings during the Christmas Season
It's what this season is all about.
All too often we get caught up in a whirl of shopping, and baking, trying to get the best deal, and create the tastiest treats, to invoke the praise and catch the attention of those around us.
"Be still and know that I am God," Psalm 46:10a
This is not a passing statement, it's a command!!
So how we have peace in the midst of this season?
I want to share a story of an individual of whom we can all take lessons from on how to live a peace filled life. This individual life started the same as everyone else, it was born.
From the start this baby's life was a special one.
It's family had a lot of lessons to learn.
Lessons of faith, prayer, selfless love, trust, compassion, patience, gratefulness, unity and more.
They would learn these lessons through this very very special baby.
-A baby is totally dependent on others for...well...for everything. If an adult decides, I am tired of taking care of this baby who only poops, cry's, sleeps and eats, then this baby will die.
What carries some parents through babyhood is the realization that this baby will grow up, this season too will pass. Other parents choose to enjoy to the fullest every single season of their babies lives.-
Back to my story; this baby surprised many by it's tenacity in living when many thought that it's life would not be long for this world.
Though different, this baby ate, slept, and grew.
This baby's family struggled, prayed, and took the best care of this baby that they knew had come from God, and was a "good gift".
-17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.-
This baby had struggles. There were surgeries, illnesses, hospital stays, pain, frustration, and many shed tears.
People would walk by this baby; there was kind remarks, some stares, thoughts of pity, and maybe even some fear of not knowing how to treat this baby. For this baby did look different from most babies
As the baby grew into a toddler, it became more and more evident to it's family that this was no ordinary child.
This child could not talk.
At no one time could this toddler verbally express to it's family what was going on in it's thoughts.
Think of what might of been flitting through this child's mind; these thoughts were never expressed to this world.
It is commonly thought that the eyes are the windows of one's soul.
This child expressed much in it's eyes.
Pain Sadness. Trust. Happiness.
Looking up. It's what this child did.
Looking up with trust into it's family's eyes, this child lived, totally dependent on others for it's every need.
Looking up in the midst of pain.
Looking up during seasons of relative peace.
There were times when this baby's family got tired of caring, tired of the crying, tired of seeing their "baby" go through so much pain.
Then they would look down see the trusting looking and feel ashamed.
-Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40b-
How often do we struggle manfully on in this life, and then as in an after thought look up to Jesus and realize that our struggling on our own will get us nowhere.
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
Then came a day, when this child's race was done. God called her home.
As many of you might have guessed, this child was Victoria.
Our precious treasure who has been in heaven for 1 year 11 days taught us so much.
We are daily grateful to the Lord for giving us a little jewel to care for.
-The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21b-
So, how do you keep your focus on Christ during this Christmas season?
It's what this season is all about.
All too often we get caught up in a whirl of shopping, and baking, trying to get the best deal, and create the tastiest treats, to invoke the praise and catch the attention of those around us.
"Be still and know that I am God," Psalm 46:10a
This is not a passing statement, it's a command!!
So how we have peace in the midst of this season?
I want to share a story of an individual of whom we can all take lessons from on how to live a peace filled life. This individual life started the same as everyone else, it was born.
From the start this baby's life was a special one.
It's family had a lot of lessons to learn.
Lessons of faith, prayer, selfless love, trust, compassion, patience, gratefulness, unity and more.
They would learn these lessons through this very very special baby.
-A baby is totally dependent on others for...well...for everything. If an adult decides, I am tired of taking care of this baby who only poops, cry's, sleeps and eats, then this baby will die.
What carries some parents through babyhood is the realization that this baby will grow up, this season too will pass. Other parents choose to enjoy to the fullest every single season of their babies lives.-
Back to my story; this baby surprised many by it's tenacity in living when many thought that it's life would not be long for this world.
Though different, this baby ate, slept, and grew.
This baby's family struggled, prayed, and took the best care of this baby that they knew had come from God, and was a "good gift".
-17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.-
This baby had struggles. There were surgeries, illnesses, hospital stays, pain, frustration, and many shed tears.
People would walk by this baby; there was kind remarks, some stares, thoughts of pity, and maybe even some fear of not knowing how to treat this baby. For this baby did look different from most babies
As the baby grew into a toddler, it became more and more evident to it's family that this was no ordinary child.
This child could not talk.
At no one time could this toddler verbally express to it's family what was going on in it's thoughts.
Think of what might of been flitting through this child's mind; these thoughts were never expressed to this world.
It is commonly thought that the eyes are the windows of one's soul.
This child expressed much in it's eyes.
Pain Sadness. Trust. Happiness.
Looking up. It's what this child did.
Looking up with trust into it's family's eyes, this child lived, totally dependent on others for it's every need.
Looking up in the midst of pain.
Looking up during seasons of relative peace.
There were times when this baby's family got tired of caring, tired of the crying, tired of seeing their "baby" go through so much pain.
Then they would look down see the trusting looking and feel ashamed.
-Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40b-
How often do we struggle manfully on in this life, and then as in an after thought look up to Jesus and realize that our struggling on our own will get us nowhere.
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
Then came a day, when this child's race was done. God called her home.
As many of you might have guessed, this child was Victoria.
Our precious treasure who has been in heaven for 1 year 11 days taught us so much.
We are daily grateful to the Lord for giving us a little jewel to care for.
-The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21b-
So, how do you keep your focus on Christ during this Christmas season?
Practice Jesus
If we practiced Jesus every way,
It'd be like Christmas every day;
If we, like Him, were meek and mild
And loved each woman, man and child,
If we'd read our Bible, it'd remind us,
So that every single day would find us
More and more in sweet accord
With our sweet Jesus--Master, Lord.
It'd be like Christmas every day;
If we, like Him, were meek and mild
And loved each woman, man and child,
If we'd read our Bible, it'd remind us,
So that every single day would find us
More and more in sweet accord
With our sweet Jesus--Master, Lord.
Then every day that we're alive
Would be like December 25.
By Joanna Fuchs Would be like December 25.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Bible Bee trip to Florida!
Mom and Rachel- in front of the Hilton hotel. ( Psalm 119:105) " Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." ( Psalm 119:105) |
We were quite excited to spend time with Hosanna while we were in Florida! She was quite busy working as part of the Bible Bee staff...but we still had lots of time to talk and spend time together;) |
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Cedric Paul
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Cedric Paul Mitton!!!! |
Born: October 20th 2014
Weight: 7lbs exactly!
Length: 19 inches
We are so grateful for the Lord's provision and blessing.
Thankfully, mommy Emily is doing well. We were able to pop down for a short visit on Monday evening. To hold a little newborn is truly a miracle!! And yes, we are all just a wee little bit excited. We will try not to spoil him too bad:)
For more pictures go to:
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise him, all creatures here below;Praise him above, ye heav'nly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Part 3 of the Mitton Adventures in Canada...a little late:)
Road hockey at my Dad's younger brother's house. What would we have done if it had not been for the hospitality of S. Mitton and his family!! |
Pool fun at Grandma and Grandpa's apartments. |
Smile:) |
Center Island fun...bumper cars!! |
A little tired after walking about 1 1/2 miles to try and watch an air show outside of Toronto. (We did get to see part of the air show) |
Family...a blessed gift!! |
Matthew's dream is to fly planes, so one of our stops had to be The Hamilton War Heritage Museum. Grandpa Mitton even had fun on these simulators! |
There were many planes that you could sit in...and even play with the controls...everyone enjoyed that! |
Niagara Falls. |
I could have stayed at this place for hours. What grandeur!! The power of God is truly displayed here for all to see...and feel. |
"As long as I see anything to be done for God, life is worth having: but oh, how vain and unworthy it is to live for any lower end!" ~David Brainerd~ |
Hide n' seek. (What better place to hide than under the table:) |
Cheese! |
Caleb and Todd " If Jesus Christ be God and died for me then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." ~C.T. Studd~ |
After Vankleek Hill, we headed for one last place; Ottawa. Here we are at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa. |
The toothless astronaut. :) . |
No trip to Ottawa is complete without a visit to the Parliament Building. What an incredible experience! So sad that just yesterday this was a place of such tragedy. |
The view from the Peace Tower. |
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On the steps of the Parliament Building. Same doors I believe where the young man ran in with the rifle. Be in prayer, as we wrestle not against flesh and blood.... |
Games at Brian and Kim's beautiful home...a great Mitton tradition. |
This fun little tractor representation gave you the option to see if you liked the feel of riding on rubber tires or metal ones...were the metal ones ever noisy and bumpy! |
It had been a long time since we had been together with all of Brian and Kim's family! What a great time! We thank God for you all! |
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Grandma's 80th birthday party-Mitton Adventure's part 2!
The next stop on our trip was Toronto. The main reason on which we took this journey was to help celebrate and honor a wonderful lady's eightieth birthday...she also happens to be our Grandma:)
Living so far away, our family did not directly help plan much of the party. A good deal of credit for the planning goes to some wonderful aunts, who really went all out to make it a memorable occasion!
When I think of Grandma, I think of someone who is funny, cheerful, and who loves to serve others.
This passage of Scripture comes to mind.
Romans 12:9-13
9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.
"The Virtuous Woman"
A virtuous woman is one of a kind
The Bible says she is hard to find.
Her price is far above rubies, which are rare,
She must be handled with extreme care.
Her husband knows she’s a precious gem indeed,
He knows that she is willing to please.
Her children treat her with honor and respect,
They know that she always does her best.
A virtuous woman does all that she can,
She’s always there and stands by her man.
Though she’s humble and meek, she takes no mess,
You can count on her to pass the test.
You will know her when she passes you by,
For she always holds her head up high.
She’s courageous and strong, a dignified lady she is,
You will never know that she has shed many tears.
A lady of class and elegance too,
She will let you know what you will need to do,
To come up to her standard, which is very high.
For she is headed for her home in the sky.
So to the virtuous women of today,
Always remember the part that you play.
Just be Christ like, for He is the one,
Who gave His only begotten Son.
Bobbie J Davis
Happy Birthday Grandma!!
Stay tuned to more "Mitton Adventure Posts:)
Living so far away, our family did not directly help plan much of the party. A good deal of credit for the planning goes to some wonderful aunts, who really went all out to make it a memorable occasion!
The delicious cake! |
Some of the treats...notice the picture of the wall? This is a picture of grandma when she was a bit younger. |
Some of the decorations.(Aunt Lesley did such a good job making things look dainty and pretty, besides doing quite a few other things. The party would not have been the same without her!!) |
Rachel, Sarah (a cousin), Grandma, and Aunty Kim |
Uncle Larry, Grandma, and Crystal(a cousin) |
Cutting the Cake:) |
Grandpa and Alex,(a cousin), playing ping-pong. Grandpa won!! Grandpa has truly been a wonderful husband to Grandma: loving, kind, considerate, gentle and caring! |
All the cousins but 4(not including those who have married into the family). "We are all here because of you, Grandma and Grandpa:)" |
Craziness:):) |
Ok: a bit more normal! We sure love you Grandma and Grandpa!! |
When I think of Grandma, I think of someone who is funny, cheerful, and who loves to serve others.
This passage of Scripture comes to mind.
Romans 12:9-13
9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.
"The Virtuous Woman"
A virtuous woman is one of a kind
The Bible says she is hard to find.
Her price is far above rubies, which are rare,
She must be handled with extreme care.
Her husband knows she’s a precious gem indeed,
He knows that she is willing to please.
Her children treat her with honor and respect,
They know that she always does her best.
A virtuous woman does all that she can,
She’s always there and stands by her man.
Though she’s humble and meek, she takes no mess,
You can count on her to pass the test.
You will know her when she passes you by,
For she always holds her head up high.
She’s courageous and strong, a dignified lady she is,
You will never know that she has shed many tears.
A lady of class and elegance too,
She will let you know what you will need to do,
To come up to her standard, which is very high.
For she is headed for her home in the sky.
So to the virtuous women of today,
Always remember the part that you play.
Just be Christ like, for He is the one,
Who gave His only begotten Son.
Bobbie J Davis
Happy Birthday Grandma!!
Stay tuned to more "Mitton Adventure Posts:)
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